Friday, 20 March 2009

Plenty of updates and more to come

Dear All

Whilst it may appear that we have been quiet, the reality couldn't be further from the truth. We have been frantically trying to catalogue the feedback that has been coming in from our users and prioritise all the suggestions. So far the feedback has been fantastic and extremely positive but as with any system improvements made on user interaction is essential.
  1. New Notes System - Allows only editing by the Admin and it is more effecient
  2. Reporting - More filters have been added, e.g. regulated - non-regulated mortgages
  3. Agreement Number now accepts characters and numbers
  4. Status box permanently open
  5. Homepage boxes permanently open
  6. Client Document section. Now users can upload documents specific to the client as well as the application.
  7. Registration process has been updated, we will soon be accepting payments.

This is only the beginning of a load of changes due to arrive on the system. We also have some exciting integrations coming soon so watch this space.


The Development Team

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